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PA Storage Monitor Pro

PA Storage Monitor Pro edition is the best solution for monitoring large disk volumes, reporting on the stored content, tracking quotas and more. If you are concerned about storage resources, how they are used and how they grow, PA Storage Monitor Pro is designed for for you.

The File System Analyzer module is possibly the most important and powerful of all of the monitors. It catalogs one or more entire disk volumes, including information on directories, files and file owners. This catalog can then be used to generate rich reports giving you insight into what is being stored, how new or old the data is, who your heavy users are and much more.

To see how useful PA Storage Monitor Pro could be to you, download the free trial now! In literally less than 2 minutes it can be installed and configured with customized monitors for your site.

PA Storage Monitor Download

Wow, you guys are GOOD! Go get yourselves some lattes or something. :-) I won't be able to try the update for a little while, but the effort alone makes me smile.

Jeremiah B., FLEXcon, USA ionicons-v5-b